Trish Groves

On a journey to be healthier, wealthier & wiser.

Your journey to becoming healthier, wealthier and wiser!

One minute you’re the enthusiastic new employee in your dream job, and the next you’re receiving a letter from your pension provider – if you’re lucky enough have one – saying that they’re off-ramping you towards retirement in a few years’ time. (True story. It happened to me last week.)

Like, what? How…? When… ?

Then you look in the mirror, sure enough, the person gazing back at you is pleading for you to take action, Now!

After all, what’s the alternative? – Descending into ill health, poverty and unhappiness?

This is my journey to discovering how to become healthier, wealthier and wiser, to get the most out of life. Come join me!

Become healthier. Learn to be comfortable in your skin. Yes, maybe your skin isn’t as smooth or as unblemished as it used to be, but neither are your favourite walking shoes. Ever regretted wearing a sleek, new pair of shoes on a long walk, and ended up with blisters? – Me too. Still limping. Never again.

If you can love your battered shoes for their comfort, you can love yourself.

Become wealthier. Plan for a comfortable – maybe even early – retirement? And by wealthy, we don’t mean living in a mansion, sipping champagne in your infinity pool or flashing the cash. No, we mean having enough, and then some, to meet our needs, comfortably, in retirement. Maybe even before official retirement age. With a few luxuries thrown in.

E-a-s-e out of the rat race. Consider becoming semi-retired. It’s your choice.

Become wiser. Embrace freedom and simplicity. Whether you are embracing or dreading an impending Empty Nest as your offspring leave home, you will find yourself with a simpler schedule, and more time on your hands. Wake up and smell the coffee, not the stale pizza boxes lurking in said offspring’s empty bedroom.

Maybe it’s not even a bedroom any more. You could transform it into that writer’s den or hobby room you’ve always wanted.

Start here, start now!

Join me as I explore a range of topics on the art of holding it all together, from pre-retirement, to finding peace with your body, to decluttering (or maybe even ‘Swedish Death Cleaning’ for the morbidly inclined), to messing things up again, to driving into the countryside with the wind in your hair.

What are you waiting for?

Right now is the best time to start, and where you are is the best place to do it!

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