Petticoat Rebellion - The Movie!

Yes, at long last, the movie of the book is in development! Well, the early stages of development ... the very, very early stages ... but from tiny seeds do tall trees grow.

The Irish Film Board [now Screen Ireland] has agreed to reconsider 'Petticoat Rebellion, The Anna Parnell Story', for feature script development funding.

This means that, from next Monday, March 11th, I will start writing a 'treatment', i.e. an exciting short-story version, of the book. The Film Board will decide in May or June whether they will fund a full feature film script.*

Then it's time to find a producer and put together a package of director, actors and everyone else the enormous team needed to make a feature film.

This week, I'm laid up in bed sick and unable to do much, other than poke my iPhone (hurray for the WordPress app for iPhone!). I can also read a bit, which means I'll be re-reading Petticoat Rebellion with fresh eyes.

Here's to Petticoat Rebellion - The Movie!

* Sadly, the project did not receive funding, and the project remains dormant. Most of my notes were lost in my last house move. I just haven’t had the will to try again.


Who do you think you are? - with Julie Walters


The E-Book Rebellion