Father of the Land League

Michael Davitt Museum

I was asked to speak at the Michael Davitt Museum in Straid, County Mayo on Friday, November 6th, 2008. This was part of a celebration by the Michael Davitt National Memorial Association to mark 130 years since the foundation of the Land League.

Michael Davitt is known as ‘The Father of the Land League’ and it was he who actively sought - and fought - to establish a Ladies Land League. Anna Parnell considered him to be one of her closest allies and supporters during the Land War.

The same weekend sees the official opening of the Davitt Centre and the North/South Cultural and Historial Symposium on the weekend of November 6 and 7.Cllr John Cribbin, Cathaoirleach of Mayo County Council will also launch a photographic exhibition on civil rights, which is on loan from the Museum of Free Derry.

Anton McNulty, of The Mayo News, publicised the event:

On Saturday, November 7, a lecture by Dr Dominic Bryan of Queens University, Belfast, entitled ‘Transforming Conflict Flags and Emblems’ and a lecture by Dr Mary Harris of NUIG called ‘The Catholic Church and the Partition of Ireland’ will take place in the Pontoon Bridge Hotel at 11am. The session will chaired by Cllr Henry Kenny.

In the afternoon session which starts at 2pm, Rev John Farr from Antrim, will talk on ‘Personal reflections on the Orange Order’ and Senator Labhras O’Murchu will speak on ‘Music and Tradition’. This session will be chaired by Bernard O’Hara of GMIT, and each session will be followed by a question and answer session.

With deep gratitude to Mrs Nancy Smyth for her encouragement and organisational skills!


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